Winning Your Social Security Disability Claim
What is Social Security Disability?
The Social Security disability program is a Federal program that provides assistance to people with disabilities. It is administered by the Social Security Administration and only individuals who have a disability that meets their medical criteria can qualify for benefits. Social Security Disability Insurance pays benefits to you and certain members of your family if you are "insured," meaning that you worked long enough and paid Social Security taxes.

Do You Qualify for Social Security Disability?
To qualify for Social Security disability benefits, you must have worked in jobs that paid into Social Security AND have a medical condition that meets Social Security's definition of disability and be unable to work because of a disability. You must have worked long enough and recently enough to qualify for disability benefits. Workers earn work credits based on their total yearly wages or income and can earn up to four credits each year depending on how much they earn that year. Claimants generally need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the 10 years leading up to the year they became disabled.
A Note about mental impairments: To be considered disabled you do not have to have a physical impairment. Mental Impairments represented more than half of Attorney Aldred’s wins last year. These cases included PTSD, Anxiety and Panic Disorders, Major Depressive Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder.
Why Were You Denied for Social Security Disability?
There are many reasons you may have been denied for Social Security Disability Benefits even if you are “insured” and meet the work criteria and have a disabling condition expected to last for more than 12 months. Some examples are that you are still working, you are a young age, or Social Security does not consider your condition to be severe enough to prevent you from working other jobs.
If you are a veteran and have been denied for Social Security Disability even though you have a 100% VA rating, your claim may have been turned down because VA medical proof has not been converted to fit Social Security’s regulations. Even if you have a VA disability rating of 100%, you are not guaranteed Social Security Disability. Attorney Aldred has extensive experience representing disabled veterans and has a very high success rate in these cases.
However, even if you have been denied you can still file an appeal and win your claim, but you must act quickly – You only have 60 days to file an Appeal!
We Can Help
The appeals process can be tricky and hard to navigate, especially if you are dealing with a severe disability. We can guide you through this process and lead you toward a successful outcome. The Aldred Law Firm has many years of experience winning Social Security Disability Appeals for Claimants, both civilians and veterans alike. We are familiar with the processes, forms, Court and Judges and know what to expect. Our staff will explain the process to you and help you every step of the way.
Attorney Fees in Social Security cases are Contingent Fees, meaning we get paid only if you win and the fees are set and capped by the Social Security Administration.
If you have been denied Social Security Disability call for an appointment today. We are now conducting appointments in person or by Zoom. Remember, you have only 60 days from the denial date to file an appeal so do not wait.
Please bring to your consultation the following items: